It’s the second day on the show floor at WestPack at the Anaheim Convention Center and we’re stopping by more ProMach product brand booths for live demonstrations. Today we interviewed Sander Smith with ProMach product brand Wexxar Bel who walked us through the Wexxar Bel 5150E with Smart Select software. The Smart Select technology allows the operator to look at the contents of the order, tells which case should be used to fulfill the particular order, and how the contents should be packed in the box for maximum efficiency. This saves money in corrugated costs and shipping and minimizes human error in packaging correct content.
Learn more about the 5150E here
We also stopped by ProMach Labeling and Coding, specifically ID Technology, where Mark Bowden walked us through a demonstration of a Wexxar Bel case taper integrated with a case labeler and/or an inkjet printer. Previously a separate purchase, the turnkey solution now tapes and labels the case in one system. When it’s needed to change the case size, the operator adjusts the case taper, and the labeler and inkjet printer move right with the taper, saving time and space.
Learn more about ID Technology solutions here.
We’ll have more labeling, coding, and end of line solutions on deck for the third and final day so we’ll see you right back here tomorrow!